Florist For All Occasions
Same day Florist Boca Raton to WPB
Wedding Flower set up from the Keys to Tampa and everywhere in-between
Based out of Lake Worth EST. 2013
Wedding Inspiration
For life’s Special Moments
Bridal Bouquets
Some would say that there’s nothing more exciting than planning a wedding. If you’ve just taken your relationship to that next level, then congratulations — it’s time to plan for the big day! At Big Rose Boca, we have a variety of floral arrangements that are perfect for your special day. Our Bridal Bouquets are designed with your needs in mind, and make for a great addition as you walk down the aisle!

Table Centerpieces
You’ve said yes to the one person you’re planning on spending your life with, and now it’s time to plan for that special big day. At Big Rose Boca, we offer a variety of centerpieces that are catered to your specific needs. Our Table Centerpieces are custom designed for your tastes and budget in mind.
Ceremony Decor
From fully decorated arches to simple aisle decor, at Big Rose we have our brides in mind. Want to dress up the ceremony without paying a fortune for arrangements that won't be used for more then 30 minutes? Repurpose your centerpieces with our free column rental at no extra cost.