Florist For All Occasions
Same day Florist Boca Raton to WPB
Wedding Flower set up from the Keys to Tampa and everywhere in-between
Based out of Lake Worth EST. 2013

Pre Made
Packages we offer

Get Started Now
Here at big rose florist we try to get your vision nailed down while also keeping your budget in mind. We have been in the wedding flower business for over 10 years so we know the ins and outs of what works to help accomplish your look and style without breaking the bank. With all that in mind, we customize every package to meet our individual clients needs, no two people need exactly the same items for an event. After we gather your information and review it, we do require a fully refundable deposit of $100 to reserve your day (as long as its available) and from there we will set up a zoom call and create the perfect package for you. The deposit will go towards your total payment and in the off chance we can't come up with something that works for you, we're happy to give you your money back. Can't wait to bring your vision to life, happy planning!